Sunday, May 10, 2009

SHOW ME DA MONEY! : 50 Amazing Images of Dollar Bill Origami Art

Just because it is frikkin' awesome, here are 50 amazing images (in no particular order because they all rock!) of honest-to-goodness dollar bills folded into origami art. Hey, if the economy ever bottoms out, at least we can all take up a new hobby, right? ;)

Have a lovely day children!

....thus sayeth the Bitter Old Bitch.


Britt said...

I wish my cats were made out of money, then I could say, "Damn Burt and Poots you are sooo money!" and really mean it.

Shelley said...

Some of these look too goo to be true!

Cat said...

So awesome! But some of them have to be made out of more than one bill.

Neal Snow said...

Honest Abe be chillin', yo.

mustdestroyalltraces said...

i confess, i was a bit dissapointed that the squid i always make when i leave tips wasn't in the post. it was more than made up for, though, with the millennium falcon ones.

Anonymous said...

A huge collection of money sculptures World most Beautiful money sculptures Creatures of the Land, Creatures of the Water.The most amazing thing about them is that they're all made from real money.An exploration of our relationship with money and our response to it, in a political, moral and social sense, whilst also exploiting the physical beauty of the note.All the papers presented were conducted with notes of 1 or 2 dollars and any one of them is exceptional.

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Thanks so much for the post, really effective data.