Okay, I have decided.
I want, no wait....
need....a shoe car.
What is a shoe car? Well by definition it is a car that looks like a shoe. Basically rule of thumb goes like this:

Pretty easy, right? Now, on to the list!
I have gathered the 14 best shoe cars for your pleasure. Here they are listed in order of winsomeness. But first, here are some honorable mentions that didn't quite make the cut and were disqualified for not following all the rules necessary to make the list:
Honorable mention #4: Justin Boot Car
Granted, the cowboy boot is the hardest form of shoe car to perfect. This entry makes a nice attempt, but in the end it is still a SHOE ON A CAR, and not a shoe car. Plus points to you for using a frikkin' hearse though!
Honorable mention #3: Shoe Bike
Sorry shoe bike, but nice try. You are still a bicycle so you don't count plus you are NOT A SHOE. And you look pretty uncomfortable to ride. Maybe some other list, just not this one.
Honorable mention #2: Norwegian Shoe Car
*looks at the Norwegians* Um, guys...you're doing it wrong.
*makes spinny hand gesture*
It's the other way around.
Honorable mention #1: USA Outdoes Norway
This American car; like the Norwegian one, did not understand the contest rules. Unlike its Norwegian counterpart however - this car scores bonus points for the tackiness appeal. This particular "shoe car" is also obviously male - apparent by it's colorful plumage.
#14: Cowboy Black Boot Blues:
Cowboy boot, done in black. Loses points because it needs a bit more body work and shaping to reach its full potential.
#13: Red Bootymobile:

Boot, done in red.
#12: Beige Bomber:

A perfectly respectable beige shoe "quarter-boot" car.
#11: Marshall's Red Pump:
Marshall's throws their hat into the ring with this nice example of the "red pump" shoe. I particularly like the "dune buggy" headlights.
#10: "Just For Men" Red Pump
Yep, as you can see the "red pump" is the most popular shoe car body style. The guy riding in this one knows he's cool.
#9: SkateCar ToePom Classic
Roller Skate + Car = WIN
#8: Retro Nike WINmobile:
As you see, shoe cars are no new trend.
Even back in the day we knew that shoe car = class. Grr, baby!
#7: Classic Red Pump Perfection
One of the best looking "red pump" shoe cars out there. The design and form is just perfect.
#6: Roller Skate in Blue
One of the better roller skate cars out there. The tire toe stopper is the cherry on this masterpiece.
#5: The McShoe
Even Ronald got game.
#4: The Red Pump Peoplemover

YET another version of the "red pump" classic. Not as nice as the other bazillion versions, but pulls ahead of the others because...LOOK HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN RIDE IN IT!! Congrats, you have never seen this many Asians in a shoe. Now you can say you have and you have me to thank for it. You're welcome.
#3: Reebok's Blue Bombshell
Reebok, the undeniable CHAMPION of Shoe Cars, started out with a BANG. Here is one of their earlier shoe cars in blue and white.
#2: Reebok's Black Beauty
After the blue car, Reebok stepped up their game with this sexy black beast. VRRRROOOM!
And the #1 Awesome Shoe Car Award goes to......
Reebok, yet again. For their newest model of shoecar badassery:
Side View:
The back:
My God, that's just gorgeous. Rock on, Reebok! Rock on with 'yo bad self...*tips hat*
...thus sayeth the bitter old bitch
Oh these cars are awesome. Nevertheless, I can't understand why people wants to make a car like that. There are better forms to tune a car up.
Oh these cars are awesome. Nevertheless, I can't understand why people wants to make a car like that. There are better forms to tune a car up. Buy Viagra Viagra
Just an fyi...#7 and #10 are the same shoe. The designer and engineer is the guy sitting in the shoe in #10....Marshalls copied him....poorly, I might add.
How adorable! They are truly very well written, precise and to the point. I will come back to your website again.
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